Walk (don’t run) in the hallways. Leave each room as you found it.
All students are to remain in the church lobby while waiting for their parents to pick them up. Please no roaming through the church.
Play ONLY your own instrument during breaks and rehearsals.
Food and drink (except water bottles) are not permitted in the rehearsal space.
Arrive early enough to be ready to play at the start time. Lateness is very disruptive and does a disservice to you and your colleagues.
Brass instruments, please make arrangements to empty spit valves onto paper or other appropriate receptacle.
Avoid conversing during rehearsal; stay focused on the task at hand.
Avoid foot—tapping.
Practice sections of your music each week, with a plan to have all of the notes and rhythms mastered well in advance of the concerts.
Rehearsals are intended to establish group unity in musical expression, not teach the individual notes. This is your challenge during the week—take the part to your private teachers.
Sinfonette Required Concert Attire
Ladies: white, long-sleeved blouse, ankle- or floor-length black skirt or dress slacks, black stockings, and black shoes
Gentlemen: white long-sleeved shirt, black bow tie, black trousers, black socks, and black shoes
Junior Symphony Required Concert Attire
Ladies: white, long-sleeved blouse, ankle- or floor-length black skirt or dress slacks, black stockings, and black shoes
Gentlemen: white long-sleeved shirt, black bow tie, black trousers, black socks, and black shoes
Youth Symphony Required Concert Attire
Ladies: black long-sleeved blouse, ankle- or floor-length black skirt or dress slacks, black stockings, and black shoes
Gentlemen: black jacket and slacks, black bow tie,white long-sleeved shirt, black sock, and black shoes
Performance Etiquette
Warm up with a full and strong tone, not tentatively.
Keep posture excellent-spine straight, legs uncrossed.
Ladies, no short skirts. Wear a long skirt. It looks much more elegant and professional.
Everyone must wear black stockings and shoes for a unified appearance on stage.
Jewelry should not be distracting, visually or audibly.
For the conductor’s first entrance, stand together at attention and wait to be seated.
During a solo section, don’t move unnecessarily; it distracts.
Never talk to your neighbor during a concert.
Control your facial expressions. They are dismayingly obvious and distracting to the audience. Never acknowledge mistakes physically.
At the end of the piece, remain seated until signaled to stand, and smile when applauded, no matter how you feel you performed.
Congratulate yourself for the hundreds of notes you played right, and do not berate yourself for the few you missed. Have fun sharing great masterpieces with your family and friends.
Concerts at McIntyre Hall
On concert day, all musicians can be dropped off and enter through the door on the west side of the building (opposite side of the McIntyre Hall building main door). This door will be unlocked during the hours musicians will be arriving. If it is locked, please knock.
When dropping off students, we ask that parents stay only long enough to get their student settled in order to avoid congestion in the backstage area.
Upon entering, check in with the registrar. Musicians will be directed to the room where they can store their case and warm up.
The ticket office will be open at 10:00 am in order to purchase tickets after dropping off your student(s). We strongly encourage this in order to avoid long lines at the ticket office prior to the concert.
After the concert, parents please have your student(s) meet you in the lobby after collecting all their belongings. We request that only musicians and designated parent volunteers be backstage after the concert. This is to reduce the amount of people and chaos backstage and for the safety of your student(s).
Please contact us with any questions you may have [email protected].