Frequently Asked Questions

What are your age requirements?
We welcome all ages of youth musicians, up to 24 years, based on their musical competence.

It is easy to join throughout the year. You may begin rehearsing with us for any of our four concerts: Fall, Holiday, Spring, and Finale.

  •  Fidalgo Youth Symphony rehearses Thursdays in Mount Vernon
  • Mount Baker Youth Symphony rehearses Mondays in Bellingham
  • Whidbey Island Youth Symphony rehearses Mondays in Oak Harbor
  • Salish Youth Symphony rehearses Mondays in Langley

We offer three levels:

  •  Sinfonette: This ensemble is an introductory group designed for beginning musicians to help introduce them into our larger programs.
  • Junior Symphony: This ensemble is designed for musicians with a minimum of two years experience on an instrument. The group performs symphonic arrangements which teach the musical skills needed to advance.
  • Youth Symphony: This ensemble is designed for the most experienced musicians in our organization, up to the age of 24. They perform challenging symphonic literature on an advanced level.
Be prepared to play a two minute solo and your most advanced scales – one major and one minor. Percussionists play a variety of your most advanced rhythms. There will be brief sight reading as well.

Easy! Contact [email protected] with questions or to schedule an audition.